Patriot America Lite vs. Seven Corners Travel Medical Choice-USA

If you're planning to buy visitors insurance, you may have come across these two travel medical insurance policies: Patriot America Lite and Seven Corners Travel Medical Choice-USA. They look similar at a first glance, so it may be difficult to determine the difference between Patriot America Lite insurance and Seven Corners Travel Medical Choice-USA insurance.

Patriot America Lite and Seven Corners Travel Medical Choice-USA both provide travel medical coverage for visitors to the USA. Either visitors insurance policy is good for a trip to the US. Both plans are comprehensive options that provide percentage based coverage for most eligible benefits. To find out the best travel insurance plan for you, see the differences between Patriot America Lite and Seven Corners Travel Medical Choice-USA insurance detailed in the comparison chart below.

Patriot America Lite
  • Administered by IMG
  • Up to 2 years of coverage
  • Pays 100% within PPO network after the deductible
  • No coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions
  • Covers incidental trips to home country (2 weeks)

Seven Corners Travel Medical Choice-USA
  • Administered by Seven Corners
  • Up to 180 days of coverage
  • Covers COVID-19 like any other eligible medical condition if the virus was contracted after the policy effective date
  • Pays 100% covered expenses within PPO network
  • Covers up to $10,000 for acute onset of pre-existing conditions for travelers under the age of 65
  • Covers incidental trips to home country (30 days per 6 months of coverage; 5 days allowed per month of coverage)

COMMON EXCLUSIONS (What's not covered)
  • Preventative care (immunizations, routine medical exams)
  • Pregnancy and maternity care
  • Mental and nervous disorders
  • Injuries incurred from certain extreme or hazardous sports
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